Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Petrol Price In India

Recently Indian Goverment hike the Petrol price 4 Rs. This will create lot of controversy in india. Why they are increasing the petrol prices every 6 month now and then.
feul price directly proportional with the transportation Charge. so, all the prices will get increase becoz of the transportation charge.
Take for example, auto fare in chennai. If petrol increase 4 rs / ltr. they increase 10 Rs / trip. ( reason they are telling is the feul price hike ).
Recently i got one article from my friend circle about the petrol price. I posted that article for ur eyes.

Click the images to view in large size

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice article senthil, this will bring awarness to the people. Why don't you send this article to some magazines.